I've always enjoyed taking the road less traveled. And a Sunday drive in the country is perfect for discovering rural surprises along uncrowded country byways. Yesterday was a beautiful, end-of-summer September Sunday with a touch of cool crispness in the air, azure blue skies and a friendly, warm sun that beckoned us to take a ride on the back roads.
Hubz did the driving and we decided to head northeast and let the old country roads inspire our course. Our philiosophy: Embrace the unexpected. We both brought along our cameras because you never know when a photo opp will pop up.
No sooner had we veered off the main highway than we came across a wonderful fall festival/art show at a gorgeous park. The vast and grassy grounds teamed with people, luscious aromas of fried chicken, corn dogs and elephant ears and tons of original creations by many talented artisans. I never realized all the clever things you could do with old spoons and forks!
We spent some time mingling and kibbitzing, admiring the art and noshing. Then it was time to leave the crowds behind and continue our Sunday sojourne. Even though it's late September up here in Michigan, the blazing colors of autumn have not yet fired up. Most of the trees are still green. Nonetheless, we found lots of "sneak previews" of nature's annual color extravaganza. After stopping along scenic rivers and farmlands and exploring some lonely dirt roads, we were rewarded with wondrous sights of historic covered bridges, picturesque, old barns and lovely woodland flowers making their fall debut. Here are some of our unexpected Sunday drive discoveries.
A jaunty farmer sits amidst his fruits of harvest. |
Specks of orange bell flowers bloom along a bubbly creek. |
Cheerful goldenrod peek out from a creekside. |
Splish splash goes a meandering stream. |
Dappled shades of sunlight enliven a creek bed. |
Joe Pie Weed and Golden Rod flank the Flat River. |
A lone visitor admires the view. |
A yellow butterfly lunches on wild daisies. |
Wild purple astors wave in the wind along the river bank. |
A century old, classic red barn stands sentry over the farmlands. |
Built 2 years after the Civil War, White's Bridge over the Flat River, is still used by cars today. |
At the end of a lonely dirt road, we came upon this spectacular covered bridge. |
Canoes and kayaks glide the scenic Flat River. |
A rugged yet beautifully weathered old barn graces the farm fields. |
A scenic hillside view high above the Flat River. |
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Nice photos. Can almost smell fall in the air.
We have the first hints of turning leaves here in NY, too, and golden rod galore. Enjoy those back roads.
This is my idea of a picture-perfect day.
And your pictures ARE perfect, too...
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