Recently, the Midwest section of the United States was hit with a vengeful and freakish storm. It was a violent October tempest with ferocious winds, battering rain and tornadoes. Extremely unusual for this time of year. Meteorologists dubbed it the Midwest Cyclone or the Great Lakes Cyclone. Newscasters reported that it was the second worst storm
on record to hit the Midwest in the fall...ever! They said the bariatric pressure was the lowest in recorded weather history! And apparently that's
not a good thing. Lucky for us, where we live in Michigan, we dodged a major bullet. The hurricane force winds...that raged for three days and nights nonstop... uprooted some trees and created 25 foot waves in Lake Michigan. But overall, we escaped the worst of the devil's destruction.
Yet, even in this fearsome weather rampage amidst tornado sirens wailing, people cowering in their basements and winds blowing off rooftops...there lurked a fascinating beauty. I was able to capture some of the awesome power of this rare cyclone-storm in the photos tumultuous clouds bullied the skies over our neighborhood.
Holy cyclone. The storm is upon us! | | | |
Is this where the Wizard of Oz lives? |
Is it just me or does that cloud resemble a giant rhinoceros about to attack? |
OK, clouds. Now you're really scaring me. | |
Even in celestial fury, there is heavenly beauty. Cue the angels. |
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I hadn't heard about your storms. I'm so glad you're ok! Outstanding photos! Thanks for sharing them.
Wow, beautiful pictures! Be careful there! Let's hope another cyclone doesn't hit. :)
Awesome job with the camera. But if it had been me I would have been in a car heading South. No! No I wouldn't. I love storms and would have love to have gone through it.
Holy Color Wheel!
Storm clouds are awesome.
So glad to hear you escaped catastrophe.
Beautiful photos. The weather can be scary, though. It's kind of like the ocean. Gorgeous but untamed.
Those are some beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.
Absolutely amazing photos - keep up the good work...
Hay, again. My computer just now loaded your pics on this post and I was seriously blown away by them! I just had to comment again. That is crazy, the cloud really does look like a rhinocerous! WHOA! That's crazy.
I love weather! Great photos.
I love photos of storms -- and I like to experience them too. I think I'm just naive because though I've been through a few of them I didn't know how dangerous they are. We rarely get extreme weather here -- just earthquakes and wild fires!
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