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Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Does Lady Gaga Have that I Don't?

Oops. In case you missed it...last Friday, January 29th, was National Lady Gaga Day. The gagalicious event was celebrated on Facebook by 100,000 of Lady Gaga's fans. For the benefit of those who may not be familiar with this over-the-top, glam rock diva...Lady Gaga is an American pop music artist known for her outlandish costumes and outrageous antics. Think: female version of a young Elton John. She performed last night with Elton on the Grammy Awards Show. Bedazzled in a blindingly glittery costume, the glitzy Gaga made the legendary but aging rock star look like a Tweedledum tax accountant in comparison.

So what can we learn from Lady Gaga? She pushes the envelope. She is not afraid to put herself out there. She embraces the moment. She doesn't care what people think. Not such bad traits to possess. Having said all that...I must admit that I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga. She's weird, skanky and her music is cheesy-sleezy. I am bemused by her. She's bold and brazen and she'd really liven up our condo potluck parties. Lady Gaga encourages everyone to celebrate their "inner freak". I'm not certain I even have an "inner freak". But if I did have one...I'd keep it to myself. Sphere: Related Content


KeLLy aNN said...

Freaks come out at night hey hey...

gayle said...

I couldn't agree more!! I just don't understand her and don't want to!!

Coffeypot said...

She has nothing on you, except maybe a couple of zillion dollars.

ivorybow said...

Thanks? for the update on Gaga. I for one am going gag gag over Gaga. Please Lord, make it stop....

Douglas said...

Can she actually sing? And, even if she can't, does she entertain well? I see her as a Gen Y (or whatever letter we're on these days) Madonna. Since that is what lady was all about in the 80's. Madonna had (has) a tolerable voice, put on a well choreographed show, and entertained. In the end, that is all that seems to matter. You might have compared her to Prince (or whatever name and/or symbol he goes by now).

Sarah said...

she's madonna #2. wasn't a big fan and won't be this time either. the fact they make big money is still a myth to me.

Jody said...

Lady Gaga drives me nuts. BUT somehow Bad Romance is now in my ipod. I love that song. If you get a chance go look at the youtube video. It is one of the strangest things I have ever seen in my life.

Rae said...

I agree 100% with you. It's just hard NOT to watch someone strut around and make an idiot of themself. Plus she is making a fortune while doing it. Gotta give her that much credit.

Fran Hill said...

I'm keeping my inner freak well and truly locked away for a rainy day when I really need it.

Helen said...

Oh, I know I'm going to love your blog! I will come here for a daily dose of nearly-pee-my-pants. Thanks for the good humour, and I'll be back soon. PS - I'm not a gaga freak. Really I'm not.

steven said...

she's an act. you're not! steven

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I believe my inner freak left when I was about 32 and began having children. I found it hard to get my groceries wearing my 6" platforms with a kid on each hip. Plus they kept pulling at my golden eyelashes and lace face mask!

I'm less of a Lady Gaga and more of a Dame Edna now-a-days! But I agree with you -- even though I'm not a fan, I can appreciate the shear gaul of the girl!

meredith said...

i heart THE ga always and forever.
following you back!! so glad you found me!

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