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Friday, June 4, 2010

The Girls

In a few days, I will be going back in time...literally. I will be attending a gathering of wise, witty and wonderful women...all of whom I have not seen in 100 years. Well, it seems that long anyway. They are my former grade school and high school classmates. Talk about old school...we're the freakin' BC era...before computers.

About 20 of the "girls" have reconnected over the last couple years. They found me via Facebook just this past year. We will join up outside Chicago for a three day, girlfriends reunion and non-stop gabfest. I'm looking forward to it. Yet, I'm a bit apprehensive at the same time because I have not weathered all that well over the years. I have character lines and saggy parts and I'm all stressed out about it. Truth is that inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies. So I'm wondering how the others have fared physically. Are they all as trim and fit as they used to be years ago?  How many have let their hair go gray? Have any of them had "work" done? Face lifts, nip and tucks? Have their personalities changed much? After all these decades, will I recognize any of them? Will I like any of them?  Will they like me?

Most of the gals who will be at the reunion were good friends of mine back in the day. We had slumber parties together, shared secrets, attended basketball games and movies and hung out at the A&W drive in Root Beer stand. In the summer, we basked in the sun at the neighborhood swim club and debated the merits of shaving your legs...above the knee or not? We laughed till we spit up food and squealed with delight over Elvis or Pat Boone. Yes, we are that old. We yakked on the phone for hours (decades before cell phones...can you say "princess phone?") and wallowed in one girlhood drama after another...most having to do with boys.

Post high school, I graduated from college, moved away and never had an opportunity to see any of these people again. So it's like I will be meeting up with perfect strangers. Yet, overall, I have very fond recollections of these now seasoned women whom I am about to encounter again after many decades. We all shared childhood and young adulthood together. We formed friendships and forged common bonds and I truly hope all of them are well and happy. I look forward to hearing about their lives, their loves and their latest dreams. I think it will be great fun........if only I could send in a Meryl Streep look-alike to represent me. Sphere: Related Content


ReformingGeek said...

Wow! That sounds fun. I'm sure they are just as nervous.

I had a Princess phone.....still do. It stays around for those inevitable power outages.

Just don't play "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog" as people are meeting and greeting, 'K?

Oklahoma Granny said...

I'll bet you'll have the time of your life - and they will too!

Bossy Betty said...

How incredible you can all get together. Have a great time!

Brenda Grolle said...

Looking forward to an update afterward...

Coffeypot said...

I graduated in ‘62 and went into the Navy, came home got married and moved off. I was maybe 4 people I graduated with in the past 40 something years. Until Face Book!! Found one of my old football buddies and he told me about a meeting the high school alum had at a restaurant called The Varsity each month. So I show up, and didn’t recognize anyone and no one recognized me. So I went home. Since then I have met a few more on FB and now know that all those old, fat, bearded men and the lovely old ladies I saw that day was my classmates. THEY sure have changed.

You will be alright and they will love you.

Coffeypot said...

I graduated in ‘62 and went into the Navy, came home got married and moved off. I was maybe 4 people I graduated with in the past 40 something years. Until Face Book!! Found one of my old football buddies and he told me about a meeting the high school alum had at a restaurant called The Varsity each month. So I show up, and didn’t recognize anyone and no one recognized me. So I went home. Since then I have met a few more on FB and now know that all those old, fat, bearded men and the lovely old ladies I saw that day was my classmates. THEY sure have changed.
You will be alright and they will love you.

Lindsey Buck said...

Oh it's good to know that no matter what age you are at, everyone has the same panic attacks when seeing old high school friends. I graduated three years ago and still get totally nervous when people get together from those days...

But the number one thing to remember: ALL of those women are going to be thinking the EXACT same thing as you are right now.

gayle said...

You are going to have so much fun!!! Can't wait to hear/read and see pictures!!

Judie said...

On our latest trip back to Atlanta, I connected, just as I do each visit, with my oldest grammar school and high school friend. A great many of our classmates never left the Atlanta area, and I do get occasional news from them, but this friend is a "best." We both have grandchildren now, and we are both gray. Neither of us resembles Meryl in any way, shape, or form! said...

It sounds like a wonderful time will be had by all. You look great in your pic. They'll probably all be envious!

J.P. Travis said...

Please refrain from giving your columns sexually suggestive titles. When I saw you had written about "The Girls," I could barely contain my eagerness. Couldn't wait to see what you had to say. For a split second I even entertained hope for pictures, doggone it.

Bunnym said...

You'll have a great time. smoking in the bathrooms and don't forget your


joanne lee said...

Have a great time! Think of it as an adventure!

Linda Myers said...

Sounds like great fun! You'll be able to update the pictures you have in your head about what everybody looks like - they'll be their true ages after your trip rather than teenagers.

BEEZIE in Fulton said...

I was one of those High School Girlfriends, and believe you me, "Boomer Pie" looks great, and so does everyone else! Old eyes just don't seem to pick up those tiny wrinkles! We all had a wonderful time. I could not stay overnight, so my husband drove with me--he was the "token male." He graduated with all of us anyway, so he had just as much fun! He's really just a "girlfriend" at heart, anyway. God bless, BEEZIE!

diney said...

Hope you enjoy the gab fest! It's quite unsettling seeing old school friends, as you are transported back in time immediately and you are that awkward 15 year old once's fun to see how they have all changed though. Look forward to hearing about it!

Marla said...

This is exactly how I am feeling about an upcoming reunion. It's so nice to hear someone else share the same feelings. Somehow, it makes me feel a little less crazy.

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