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Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Spring Walk in the Woods

Ahhh, the glories of Springtime in the Rapids...Grand Rapids, Michigan, that is. Here are some photos I took recently during a morning walk in a nearby woodland.

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Fran Hill said...

I'm so much more into these bright reds than I am into greens and browns. I love dramatic nature, not the ordinary stuff.

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Oh, these are just BEAUTIFUL! Thanks so much for sharing them! I can't get over how huge those lilac blooms are! My favorite, though, has got to be the Mama and baby ducks! Gets me every time!

Happy Spring!!

Respectfully Yours said...

Loved the pictures. I love blossom trees in spring.

Susan said...

Great photos. Thanks for stopping by my little patch of woods. Looking forward to catching up with you.

ReformingGeek said...

Very beautiful! I wish I had been on that walk with you.

Enjoy your spring!

joanne lee said...

Beautiful pix! Love the lilac blooms!

shabby girl said...

Oh my Lord! Springtime in Michigan!!! Beautiful! Great photos!!!!

Anonymous said...


i love the pictures of the trees; it reminds me of my favorite poem:

by: Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

What a beautiful poem.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Gorgeous blooms all around! So many beautiful trees and flowers.

Steel Magnolia said...

My coastal village in New England is in the same phase of spring. Delightful, frothy, lacy blossoms. Delicate chartreuse feathers bursting forth where limbs were bare a few weeks ago. First teases luring us to shed our winter weary persona and head into the sunshine. Lovely. Cheers!

Sarah said...

beautiful pictures!

ReformingGeek said...

I just saw your comment on my "ants" post. You asked about the bluebonnets. They were awesome in south Texas but just "ok" here in north central Texas this year. Some years we do get the glory, though!

just call me jo said...

Oh, you take such beautiful pictures. I wish I were a photographer. My pictures are so jacked...I love the spring views. That's kind of nostalgic. We lived in Idaho until 9 months ago where spring looks a lot like your region. In Arizona is pretty but very different. The desert has it's own style, but it's not "home." Thanks for following my humble blog. Will look forward to getting to know you.

Diane AZ said...

A beautiful walk in the woods! I enjoyed the blossoms and ducklings. said...

Wow, those colors are fabulous. We don't see anything like that in CA.
Thanks, BP.

Amy said...

Beautiful spring pictures. Thank you for your comment on my blog.

Betty Carlson said...

What gorgeous pictures. They helped my morning to perk up, because the weather is gloomy here in Aveyron, France.

So you're in for NaBloPoMo? I'll follow you. However for some reason, your blog wasn't opening correctly this morning. I only got to it through a "cached copy."

PJ van Zyl said...

colourful post
nicely done

Ruby said...

you have a very lovely images here..simply beautiful!

Unknown said...

The lilacs are just coming out here. I loved the photos. I really liked your Tiger Woods poem and the post about the 9/11 memorial. What a great idea, a bookend to Central Park. Thanks for finding Steadfast. Come again and see our spring orchards and rowing on the Henely. I will really enjoy reading more of your writing.

Jennifer said...

So beautiful! And I especially love the lilacs.

Betty said...

There is something very joyful and uplifting about spring blossom.
Gorgeous photos.

ChrisJ said...

My goodness! That is some dazzling walk you took us on. I visited briefly yesterday but I was still sneezing from our visit to Idaho, which I have now begun to attribute to allergies, so I didn't comment. The city was full of blooms just like yours and now I am home again I feel like I can breathe again.

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