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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Facebook...Friendships or Humiliation?

Is Facebook submitting some of its users to personal humiliation? Lately I've noticed on the side column of my Facebook pages, little notices like: Molly Smith has only 4 friends. Suggest more friends for Molly. A photo of Molly is displayed so that the world knows what a pathetic, friendless loser, Miss Molly is. Luckily, I have not seen my own name appear in one of these humiliating notices on my FB page. But I wonder if it's showing up on the Facebook pages of my friends. Although I have a tidy niche of FB pals, frankly I don't want the Facebook people to plaster my picture on its site like some hapless sucker on a wanted poster begging people to befriend me. Nothing like being subjected to worldwide degradation.

Recent statistics reveal that the average FB user has approximately 130 people in their social network with a core of only 5 close friends. Many FB users pad their list and boast massive numbers of cyber acquaintances...adding friends of friends of friends. Recently, I read that you can actually "buy" friends to beef up your FB ego. Yes, that's right...friendships can be bought.  Turns out there's an Australian company that sells Facebook friends ranging in price from $177 for 1000 new buddies to over $1000 for 10,000 BFFs. Facebook users who pay for an extended network of friends often exploit them to sell products or market services to them.

When I first joined Facebook, I thought: Hey this is cool. I can reconnect with old pals and keep updated with friends and relatives. I had no idea it would turn into a competitive numbers game...with people claiming bragging rights to their mountain of FB friends and making me feel like a pitiful, miserable dweeb if I don't have as many as they do. Today, our social standing is commensurate with the number of friends in our Facebook network. I just learned that if you have over 5000 friends in your network, you've attained the premier status of "whale". Well, I can tell you right now, I have not reached the whale category. Not even close. I'm more in league with the sucker fish, the bottom feeders, the pitiful urchins of the sea that float around aimlessly in search of an invite from a friendly school of fish or a poke from Nemo. I just pray that the Facebook company does not single me out for further humiliation by urging people to befriend me. I can do that myself. I'm not too proud to beg...or pay. for friends...I wonder if they give an AARP discount.
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Sarah said...

that's probably the most pathetic thing in the world--buy your friends in case you don't have enough. i don't like any of the social network sites, and will do my best to resist until the moon turns purple.

Valerie said...

I only pop on Facebook occasionally so had no idea that 'friendships' was a numbers game. I have been asked a couple of times to be a 'friend' but didn't fancy the people who asked.

Malu Silverman said...

What a useful and timely post. I have just joined FB's networked blogs. I hope they won't fester my friends to join my network :(

Julie said...

I loved this. I am on Facebook as well, supposedly I am "below average" number of friends, having "only" 40. I keep it to only people I actually know, I agree with you about people padding up their numbers. Thanks for the writing!

Anonymous said...

um hi
ok im following you you gots to follow me, um if I comment do you have to comment? what are the rules? I dont want #s i want friends, im soo lonely, just be my friend. you can tell me that your washing your hair anytime I call . but Ill like like you becuase, 1 i'm insane, and 2, i wanna poke nemo too :D

Anonymous said...

tell me im not appoved:) read my last few posts, then denigh me:D
oh the horror lol

plainolebob said...

Well I guess I just don't get it

Tanya said...

Haha love this post! I have seen those updates on facebook and thought to myself, "I wonder whose page I am showing up on as someone who doesn't have enough friends." Facebook has totally gotten out of hand, and your post shows that! Keep them coming. :)


Laurie said...

Yeah, I've noticed those too and hoped no one else was getting sad reminders about me!! One of my friends has a cat named Links who she uses as her FB "front". Today on my page is poor, hapless Links who needs more friends!

Speaking of hapless, my out-of-it musician boyfriend finally joined FB. I've been trying to get him to join ever since I did 6 months ago. I was thinking he could post where he's playing each night and he can keep up with people while he's on the road, right?

So he just joined a few weeks ago, he's clueless, and he has over 300 friends! I've been on FB since March and I have 75 friends ...

So silly ...all this ...silliness.

Thanks for making me think about it Boomer Pie!

Fran Hill said...

I tried Facebook for a while and then gave up because of the time it was taking. Now I'm even more pleased I did so before I achieved the 'whale' status ... This, a woman does not need.

InvisibleWoman said...

Ha, I love it. Only 23 friends on my FB account which must make me an amoeba. But they're all mine and I love'em

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